July 1915
  Thursday 1st July, 1915

Sea very rough all night, had difficulty in loading wounded to be taken to hospital
ship, managed to load them on a water barge about 1 a.m. and they were towed out
by steam pinnace, pouring rain all the time, tremendous downpour. Off duty 7.30
a.m. sea has calmed down and it turned out a lovely morning. Wrote some letters
after breakfast and at 11 a.m. turned in and slept till 3 p.m. when I got up and went
down for a swim, sea pretty rough again this afternoon, very strong breeze. Not
been much firing today, can hear battleships doing a little down at Cape Helles. On
duty again at 7.30 p.m. sent about 60 men, wounded and sick away to-night, mostly
sick. Got them away about 9.30 p.m.

Friday 2nd July, 1915

Only 4 wounded, all slight, during night since sent last lot away at 9.30 last night.
Strong breeze and sea still very rough this morning, but pretty warm. Off duty 7.30
a.m. Spent morning reading some English papers I picked up in hospital, enjoyed
them quite a treat. Had couple of hours sleep this afternoon. Our battleships are
continuously bombarding to the south of us, can see their shells bursting over the
enemy quite plainly. The Allied troops coming up from Sed-el-bar have advanced
considerably this week. On duty 7.30 p.m. Had about 90 patients to get off on to
boats to-night most of them are sick, managed it by about 10 p.m.

Saturday 3rd July, 1915

No patients brought in during night. About 11 p.m. last night I was taken with violent
pains in stomach, also with vomiting and retching, was like this all night in great
agony, about 5 a.m. saw one of our doctors, gave me some medicine and sent me
to my dugout. Pain contined till about 10.30 a.m. when I dozed off to sleep till 12
noon. Felt better when I woke, but awfully shaky. Kept quiet all day, never had
anything to eat as it was a touch of Ptomanic poisoning I had got. Sat in sun for
about an hour this afternoon and saw one of our battleships come out of harbour
from Island of Embros which we can see plainly and shell Turks on our left flank.

Sunday 4th July, 1915

Did not go on duty last night as I was to weak and shaking. Went to sleep about 9
p.m. and had good night's sleep as I was thoroughly worn out. Woke up this
morning feeling much better, just a little shaky. Had a very little oatmeal porridge
and mile and cup of tea for breakfast. Sat in sun all morning reading a book I
borrowed. This afternoon a French transport was torpedoed by enemy submarine
off Cape Helles, fortunately troops had all disembarked, hear transport did not sink
but was run aground and will be saved. Two battleships of our squadron came up
late this evening and heavily shelled the enemy's trenches on our right flank. Did not
go on duty to-night.

Monday 5th July, 1915

Had good night sleep and woke the better for it, feeling a bit weak and shaky
naturally as I have had practically no food for two days. Had a little dry biscuit for
breakfast and then spent morning reading and looking out over sea, where our ships
and destroyers are moving about with unceasing vigil. Turks opened up fire with an
11" gun, must have brought it up during night, opened fire about 8 a.m.. Fired about
dozen huge shells, about 8 of them burst in water sending up a column of water
about 50 feet high, the others struck top of hill on our right doing no damage but
covering us with dirt. Gun was spotted after second shell and our destroyer soon
silenced it. Had a little stew for dinner, felt new man after having a little substantial
food, went on duty at 7.30 p.m.

Tuesday 6th July, 1915

Sent about 90 patients on to hospital ships about midnight last night after which
things were very quiet. A lot of the patients were sick, these men had been
accumulating all day. Destroyers were shelling at intervals during night. Off duty at
7.30 a.m. Having breakfast outside my dug-out when enemy sent a few shells
rather close, one burst in a dug-out about 20 yards from me, a chap was sleeping
inside. The shell burst all the earth away, filling in the dug-out and burying the man,
started at once to dig him out, expected him to be dead when got him out, he had
not got a scratch. Very quiet during rest of day, went on duty at 7.30 p.m.

Wednesday 7th July, 1915

Got our patients away on boats last night about 11 p.m., after that only had five
cases come in during night. Turks burst four shrapnel shells over us at dressing
station about 6.30 a.m. Off duty about 7.30 a.m. Spent morning in writing as the
mail goes from here tomorrow. After dinner did little more writing, then went for
swim, very hot day. Went on duty at 7.30 p.m. About 8 p.m. Turks heavily shelled
with high explosives a portion of our line known as Courtney's Hill, killed number of
our men and badly wounded a lot more, also buried some on the place where they
blew the trenches in, got all our wounded away about 9 p.m.

Thursday 8th July, 1915

Had a very quiet night after the shelling on Courtney's Hill last night. Turks fired a
single shell about 5.30 a.m. landed in bag of flour on beach close to our dressing
station. Off duty 7.30 a.m. spent morning writing letters in dug-out. Enemy shelled
us from 9 a.m. till 10 a.m. fairly heavily, most passed over my dug-out, but one or
two landed unpleasantly close, one bursting not more than 6 yards away. Had swim
just before dinner. Improved and cleaned my dug-out this afternoon, then had quiet
read for an hour after which had another swim. About 5 p.m. Turks heavily shelled
the beach and water round about a small pier that the engineers built. Hit steam
pinnace, put hole in but did not sink it. On duty 7.30 p.m.

Friday 9th July , 1915

Three wounded men brought in during night to our dressing station, so was not
much doing. Came off duty 7.30 a.m., fairly quiet this morning, enemy only putting
an occasional shell over. Heard this morning we are to be inoculated against
cholera as it has already broken out amongst the Turks. Slept from 11 a.m. till 1.30
p.m., then had dinner and lay down again till 4 p.m. when I went down for swim.
Weather is keeping very hot and water is lovely. Few shells came over us for about
half an hour after tea. Went on duty at 7.30 p.m. got what patients we had in, away
to ships about 9 p.m. nothing doing afterwards so slept all night.

Saturday 10th July, 1915

Had to sleep fully dressed as we were on duty if needed. Woke about 5 a.m., tidied
dressing station up, few early morning shells came as usual. Off duty 7.30 a.m.
Loafed the morning up till 11 a.m. away in the sun, then went for swim. This
afternoon received my first inoculation against cholera. The warship Agamemnon
came up this afternoon and heavily bombarded a hill just inland and to the south a
little of Gaba-Tepe. Went away about 5 p.m. and H.M.S. Chatham took her place
firing very heavily. Was in for swim about 4.30 p.m. Observation balloon and
aeroplane reconnoitred this evening. On duty at 7.30 p.m. at dressing station.

Sunday 11th July, 1915

About midnight Turks exploded a mine under one of our trenches, about 20
wounded were brought in from this part, mostly slight. All night beach parties were
busy landing more reinforcements and stores, also a large 4.7 naval gun landed
ready mounted for field work. Came off duty at 7.30 a.m. Turks shelled beach this
morning wounding about a dozen of our troops. Had sleep for couple of hours
before dinner. After dinner had rest and then went for swim, an awful hot day.
About 6.30 p.m. H.M.S. Doris came out of harbour at Embros and took up position in
Anzac Cove. Observation balloon was up giving range, like sheet of flame
broadside after broadside at enemy on left flank. On duty 7.30 p.m.

Monday 12th July, 1915

Sent patients away to hospital ship at 9 p.m. last night, no more wounded brought in
during night. Off duty at 7.30 a.m. About 9 a.m. could hear fierce firing for about
half an hour, shortly afterwards about 30 wounded were brought in and they told us
that a party of our troops had charged the enemy at one point and captured a trench
also inflicting severe casualties on the enemy. During morning enemy tried some
long shots, with long range guns, at the mine sweepers, but without the slightest
success. Our ships heavily bombarded enemy to the south of us and I believe our
troops from Sed-el-bahr have made an advance. On duty at 7.30 p.m. Getting
awfully hot.

Tuesday 13th July, 1915

Seven wounded brought in during night, our troops here kept up a sham attack all
night to keep enemy busy here so they could not send reinforcements against the
Allied troops who were making an advance from the south. Star shells and
searchlight going all night, made things look like fire-work show. Off duty 7.30 a.m.
Slept from 9 a.m. till 1.30 p.m. then went for swim. A bit of an artillery duel taking
place to-night, enemy have shelled our trenches about 6 p.m. causing us a few
casualties. On duty 7.30 p.m. More casualties about 8 p.m. some severe, kept
busy till about 10 p.m.

Wednesday 14th July, 1915

Quiet all night after 10 p.m. last night, so managed to sleep most of night. Received
six letters to-day. Took up new duties to-day and am now acting as orderly to
Captain Dawson, my new job has been quite satisfactory to-day. Heard good news
from south to-day, the Allied troops there are reported to be almost in command of
Achi-Baba, a fortified hill which has caused much trouble and is the cause of our
delay. Had swim this afternoon. Enemy put shell on beach this evening wounding 4
men, two severely, one Captain Campbell, Registered Medical Officer, 8th L.H. both
legs blown off at knees, not dead, other foot blown off. Turned in at 9 p.m.

Thursday 15th July, 1915

Up at 5.30 a.m., beautiful morning. Did my round of duties during day. Duties
consist of drawing rations for Captain Dawson, airing his blankets and sleeping bag
and any little thing he wants done, will also have to look after his horse when it is
with him. Only two shells came on beach today, one man hit slightly. Aeroplane up
this morning, enemy fired over 30 shells at it, did not hit it. Large cruiser appeared
this afternoon and shelled over by Achi-Baba very heavily for about an hour,
observation ballon was also up. Went for swim this afternoon has been a very hot
day. Saw W. Hill and A. Milne this evening. Turned in 9.30 p.m.

Friday 16th July, 1915

Up at 5.30 a.m. Turks shelled beach very heavily nearly all morning but very few of
our troops were injured. Had nothing to do today as Captain Dawson has gone on
board hospital ship. We have heard heavy gun firing all day down Achi-Baba way.
This afternoon our monitor came on the scene and at intervals put some heavy
shells inland at the enemy. Another four gun battery of 5" howitzers was landed
here during last night. Had swim this afternoon also one this evening, both
interrupted by shrapnel from the enemy. Turned in about 9.30 p.m.

Saturday 17th July, 1915

Yesterday afternoon the Admiral's motor came ashore with Admiral De Roebuck and
staff, General Birdwood met them on the pier. Up at 5.30 a.m. this morning, about
5.45 an enemy aeroplane flew over and dropped two bombs, one exploded in the
water and the other did not burst so no damage was done. This morning a French
General and his staff came ashore and were met by General Birdwood who escorted
them off to see the trenches. Our aeroplane was up this afternoon. Enemy put a
few shells on the beach today, did no damage. Things been fairly quiet, am getting
excellent tucker now, turned in 9.30 p.m.

Sunday 18th July, 1915

The 12th Sunday and exactly twelve weeks since we arrived off this coast, up at
5.30 a.m. and commenced my duties. All day long the enemy have been shelling
the beach with shrapnel and high explosive shells. Our casualties on the beach
must have been not less then 30 of whom at least 4 were killed out-right and others
seriously wounded, our guns have also been busy shelling the enemy. Had narrow
escape myself sitting on sand bag watching shells burst, one burst very close and I
moved about a yard away into cover, as I moved a bullet from a shrapnel struck bag
I had been sitting on not 10 seconds before. Heavy firing all day to the south of us.
The heat is getting awful and the flies terrible.

Monday 19th July, 1915

Very hot all night, up at 5.30 a.m. started my duties. A lot of work going on on
beach, two more piers being erected, supplies coming in in barges and being
unloaded by fatigue parties, batteries of British howitzers and men have been
landing these last three nights, 20 howitzers 5" altogether I believe. Bathing has
been prohibited after 7 p.m. and before 7 a.m.. The sea has been a blessing to our
boys and has no doubt been a great help against sickness and disease. Heavy
artillery fire both from our guns and from Allies to south, also from warships. New
monitor came today, 2 x 14 inch guns mounted only fired one shot, our other monitor
put a good few shells into the enemy. Not many casualties today. Turned in about
9.30 p.m.

Tuesday 20th July, 1915

Up at 5.30 a.m. commenced my duties. Piece of shell went through Colonels
dugout and through his water bottle, also piece went through our adjutants (Captain
Finn) dugout, fortunately both were out at the time. More artillery and men coming
ashore each night. Aeroplane made long survey over enemy's trenches, great sight
to see aeroplane flying along with little puffs of smoke appearing all round it, which
are the shells fired by enemy to try and bring it down. Greek parliament should meet
today. Was provided with a respirator for use against poisonous gases, it is like a
bag fits over the head with a piece of gelatine to see through, bag is soaked with a
chemical. Turned in about 9.30 p.m.

Wednesday 21st July, 1915

Up at 5.30 started my days work. Heavy gun fire was going on to the south evidently
our warships and field artillery also enemy's. Had second dose of inoculation
against cholera. Sounds of firing died down about 10 a.m., very quiet since then.
Reported that Turks have received 100,000 reinforcements this last day or two and it
is expected that they will make an attack on our position. A cruiser and our monitor
have been keeping within sight all day and about 6 p.m. the monitor let go with her
guns, shortly afterwards the cruiser which was lying 4 or 5 miles south let go her
guns and for a short while poured in salvo after salvo, our destroyers also opened
out this evening.

Thursday 22nd July, 1915

Up at 5.30 a.m., beautiful morning, hardly a shot could be heard. After breakfast I
put in the morning writing letters. Special orders issued today that every man must
carry his smoke helmet and respirator with him all the time, must be expecting
enemy to use poisonous gases any time. Went in for swim this afternoon, after
being in about 10 minutes I came out in a hurry, enemy started shelling beach and
one shell burst in water before I could get out not more than 20 yards from me.
Shells burst all round our dressing station and hospital but did not injure anyone,
expecting attack by Turks any time now.

Friday 23rd July, 1915

Woke about 1.30 a.m. by sound of heavy rifle fire and our destroyers shelling
enemy, lasted about half an hour. Turks did not attack as expected. Up at 5.30
a.m. started work. Pretty quiet up till dinner time. After dinner two of our monitors
came out from Embros and shelled the enemy somewhere inland for a couple of
hours, also a small cruiser put some shots in. Four large monitors and the small one
that has been here some time now are in the harbour at the island of Embros which
is right opposite to our position and which we can see plainly. Also saw large French
battleship go in this afternoon. Had a short swim before tea and turned in about 9

Saturday 24th July, 1915

Was up at 5 a.m. this morning everything quiet. About 10 a.m. enemy put shell on
beach at waters edge, burst among about 60 men, a lot bathing, only one man
slightly wounded. At 12 noon another shell fell about same place, followed by a
second, these two shells wounded between 20 and 30 men, some seriously. The
first of the two shells wounded most, the second only hitting a couple. Assisted to
carry these men in on stretchers. Turks continued shelling beach all afternoon. Saw
Neville Anderson killed by shell, he died instantly, was standing about 20 yards from
him, shell burst in front of him, did not hit him but concussion fractured base of skull.
5 men killed outright and about 50 injured on beach today.

Sunday 25th July, 1915

Three calendar months since we came to these shores (13 weeks). Up at 5.30 a.m.
lovely morning, everything quiet. Turks shelled our trenches fairly heavily on left
flank this morning. After dinner they turned their attention again to the beach. Every
part of our position here is dangerous as shells land all over it and the pellets from
shrapnel fly all round you as you do your work and one marvels that he is not hit.
One burst just ahead of me this evening and the bullets kicked up the dust all round
me yet not a soul was hit. A shell burst in the gully where we are camped at 7 p.m.
this evening and killed one of our sergeants (Sergeant Gordon) of South Australia
and wounding Sergeant Nixon of N.S.W. in the thigh, pellets went right through.

Monday 26th July, 1915

Up at 5.30 a.m. commenced my duties. Everything very quiet till just after breakfast
when Turks started shelling beach pretty heavily. They have got our range and
position to a nicety and have made things pretty warm on the beach these last few
days. The first shell which landed on beach this morning burst about 30 feet above
my head, I was standing on the hillside, did not touch me but the men at the foot of
the hill caught it pretty badly. Eleven were hit altogether from the one shell, a poor
chap about 15 yards below me had his right leg blown off just above the knee, he
died, other shells fell and within 5 minutes we had 5 killed and about 20 wounded.
Shells fell at intervals all day.

Tuesday 27th July, 1915

Up at 5.30 a.m. started work. The heat is excessive and is very trying to the boys.
Turks put about half dozen shells on beach about 10 a.m. I was in Captain
Dawson's dugout, shell burst right by it and cap of shell went right through water can
I had just put down, was about 2 yards from me, made hole about 4 inches diameter
and pulverized the tin. Another shell burst above the dugout and a bullet (shrapnel)
passed between a friend of Captain Dawson and myself as we were sitting talking,
but a miss is as good as a mile in this game. We are getting very short handed as a
lot of our men are away sick as well as the wounded. Enemy shelled beach all day
at intervals, turned in 9.30 p.m.

Wednesday 28th July, 1915

Enemy shelled our portion of the beach at 1 a.m. this morning, kept it up for about
half an hour. Lieutenant Onslow, A.D.C. to General Birdwood was killed instantly,
have not heard of any other casualties. Up at 5.30 a.m., was just going in for swim
when shells began falling on beach and in water so postponed till later. Beach was
heavily shelled at intervals all day , about 40 casualties on beach, some slight and
few severe and about eight killed, assisted in getting some of them in to dressing
station. Warm work, never know where next shell is going to fall, although we can
hear them coming. A four gun battery of 60 pounders was landed after dark, the
largest guns we have here, have range of 11 miles.

Thursday 29th July, 1915

Woke at 6 a.m. this morning, started duties, learning another chap my job today as I
have to go back to work at dressing station, can't be spared from it as six of tent
division are away sick only leaving six with myself here, very short handed. Turks
been very quiet today only fired two shells on beach this morning wounding one man
slightly and two this evening did no damage. About 7 p.m. an enemy aeroplane flew
over our lines, dropped two bombs, one burst at waters edge doing no damage other
did not burst, the aeroplane got away very quickly as one of ours was seen coming
up from the south. Makes one think when enemy plane above you dropping bombs.

Friday 30th July, 1915

Up at 6 a.m. and went for dip, water lovely. Have had day off and am going on duty
at 7.30 p.m. tonight, work all night until 7.30 a.m. tomorrow morning. Enemy fired
about half dozen shells on beach this morning, wounded about 6 men. More 5"
howitzers were landed last night, now have between 80 and 90 guns here. Just
after dinner a French cruiser appeared to the south and 3 monitors bombarded
enemy for about an hour, about 5 p.m. an enemy aeroplane flew over us (Taube)
dropped two bombs, both fell into sea doing no harm. Went on duty 7.30 p.m.
attended to few sick cases and about couple of wounded up to midnight.

Saturday 31st July, 1915

Nothing doing after midnight, very quiet. About 5.30 a.m. enemy aeroplane (Taube)
flew over our lines again, dropped three bombs, fell somewhere other side of hill,
don't know if did any damage. Landed more field guns during night and at intervals
shelled the enemy. Enemy very quiet all day today. Went for swim this afternoon,
very hot day. Heavy bombardment going on down south, hear big guns roaring all
day. Our aeroplane made long survey over enemy's lines this evening and dropped
a couple of bombs which we heard explode with a loud crash. Went on duty at 7.30